About us

Thanya Knights
 The Owner & Massage Therapist

I was born and raised in Thailand so I was exposed to Thai massage at a very early age. I remember when I was still young 8 or 9 years old , I had taken a bad fall and my father used to massage my badly injured knee which is still a bit of a problem today. Dad was taught by monks from a nearby monastery in the neighboring hills around the Chaiyapum province area when he was a very young boy. He influenced me to take an interest in massage but as a little girl did not want to. He had decided that I was going to learn this ancient art of natural healing even though I was not interested. By the time I was 13 I was totally disgusted with the idea of massage and thought this is not what I will do with my life.

I continued my studies on other subjects and by the age of 20 decided to move to Bangkok and continued to develop a career in marketing until I married at 30 and came to Bermuda. After a short while in Bermuda I somehow became interested in massage and while I was good at the practical I had not studied it to get certified so it was then I decided to further my studies in Thai Massage . It was not as easy as signing up as I had to correspond and when I returned to Thailand it was then I took the final exam and got my certificate.

It is important to say; Massage is not just for relaxation or to treat oneself. The entire body can get relief for one ailment or another, take my knee for example. It was the massage administered by my father that has made it possible for me to live with as little as possible pain and for my knee to function at 95%. There is massage for most ailments from head to toe. Relief for most problems can be achieved with a serious commitment to a few sessions and a healthy diet as directed.

I believe whole heartedly that:

Thai Massage is a way of relaxation for many, but in it is a main holistic body work

It uses Acupressure techniques which are applied with use of the hands, thumbs,

Elbows hands and feet. Treatment can be somewhat painful in some areas depending on the problem. Despite this it is a very effective means of relief and treatment in most muscular ailments.